Student Success

Incorporates the strengthened focus on computational thinking, algorithms and simulations in the new curriculum

Accessible, logical, and comprehensive coverage of the new Victorian Curriculum 2.0

Enhanced maths learning with fully integrated digital resources

Real world maths opportunities

  • A new technology and computational thinking activity per chapter explores a range of problems linked to the content

  • Students are required to use a computational approach to solving problems, using algorithms, simulations, flowcharts and pseudocode in conjunction with a range of technology such as spreadsheets, Desmos, and CAS calculators
  • New content is introduced in the logical and sequential way you expect from Essential Mathematics to encourage deep understanding

  • Students are supported through the curriculum with carefully graded questions, linked examples and investigations in an uncluttered layout
  • Modelling activities, Investigations, Applications and Problem-solving tasks in every chapter provide opportunities for students to apply and consolidate their learning through scaffolded and open-ended tasks, and to understand how modelling and problem-solving skills can be transferred to real-world scenarios.
  • Ongoing enhancements on the Cambridge HOTmaths platform ensure students always have access to the best learning experience using digital resources that complement and consolidate classroom teaching. Follow-up work comprising of worked example videos, Now you try questions, exercise questions and links to section content can be assigned to students to address gaps in knowledge identified in the new Diagnostic Assessment tool.