Auto-marked quick quizzes give students immediate feedback on their progress.
Video demonstrations for all worked examples
Workspaces allow students to enter their working directly into the Interactive Textbook for all exercise questions. Answers can be typed, drawn or uploaded on a computer or tablet device. LaTeX coding in addition to a menu of maths/science symbols is enabled.
A success criteria checklist at the end of each chapter with linked questions is available for download.
Self-assessment tools allow students to check their answers (where teachers have enabled access), self-assess their working using a four-point scale and use a red flag to alert their teachers if they had trouble with a question.
Walk-throughs step students through solving a problem with explanations provided at each step..
Desmos graphing tools are available for use in the Interactive Textbook along with guided Desmos widget to help demonstrate concepts.
Access to the Offline Textbook, a downloadable version of the student text with note-taking and bookmarking enabled.
Roll-over glossary definitions are available for key terms along with a full glossary
Downloadable worksheets and skillsheets can be used for homework or in class to focus on a single skill or small set of related skills.
Comprehensive worked solutions for all questions are provided in the Interactive Textbook as an option that teacher can choose to enable for their students.
The Scorcher competition provides timed, quick quizzes at the end of a chapter with a leader board available across the school and state.
Access to More HOTmaths allows students to revise prior knowledge.