Additional support for building core maths skills

  • New targeted skillsheets are included for every section and focus on a single skill or small set of closely-related skills. Each skillsheet includes between eight and ten questions, with a related worked example from the textbook listed for each question. One optional problem-solving question is also included. 

  • Fluency questions have been restructured to give students more opportunities to embed core skills before attempting harder questions, ensuring a greater chance of success as the questions increase in complexity.   

New projectable lesson summaries for each section

  • A NEW set of PowerPoint documents for classroom presentation include the Lesson Starter, Key Ideas, Building Understanding questions, Worked Examples and Now You Try questions for each section. 

  • Teachers can use these presentations to guide lessons, focus students’ attention and promote class or group discussion before students work on exercise questions.

New diagnostic tool to help identify gaps in your students' knowledge

Create your own family of tests for a designated unit of work from our large bank of questions.

Choose your questions from a Textbook view or Curriculum view. Cover one or more textbook lessons or content descriptors, and drill down to specific Mathematical Skills to see the course at a granular level. 

Use the intuitive reports to identify 
gaps in knowledge. 

Set the suggested follow-up work to help students improve their performance. 

Let the system generate a post-test that matches the skills you have covered in your test family. 

View students’ performance and growth, and export the data as needed. 

A trusted approach to meeting the requirements of the new Australian Curriculum

  • Essential Mathematics for the Australian Curriculum Fourth Edition has been developed by the most experience and authoritative team of authors writing for the Australian Curriculum. 

  • Carefully graded exercises and logical topic development allow for deep understanding of concepts and meet the needs of a wide range of abilities. 

  • The well-known working programs (Foundation, Standard, Advanced) are carefully designed to ensure all students have some experience across understanding fluency, problem solving and reasoning questions, while content designated as “optional” in the curriculum fully prepares students heading into senior mathematics.

Teacher Support