Guides students to success in the new Study Design

Demonstrates the interconnectedness of Biology 

Gives students control over their progress

Provides meticulous assessment preparation

This series has a focus on exactly what students need to know for VCE success and they will be further supported in their assessment preparation by a number of features: 

Modelling of logbook development provides exemplar entries and walks students through each entry in two steps from initial investigation planning to a demonstration of what their final version might look like. 

Skills boxes in every section offer advice on how to approach assessment tasks and exam questions such as how to identify key terms in a question or what skills students should master to achieve a strong assessment result. 

Each section contains formative check-in questions plus summative section questions to assess student learning. 

Review questions at the end of each unit made up of multiple-choice and short-answer questions will help students assess if they have mastered the content.

This all-new series fully prepares students for success in VCE Biology without overwhelming them with content they won’t be assessed on. 

EXPLAIN headings and icons indicate assessable need-to-know coverage. 

Stimulus material in ENGAGE boxes explores why students need to study a particular topic, or why it is important, but not assessable.

With an increased emphasis on interconnectedness in Biology, students are encouraged to recognise the connections between topics, build a better mental map of the course, promoting better recall of concepts. 

Concept maps visualise the chapter structure and highlight links to other biology concepts and topics. 

Link icons connect students to related topics. Both the concept maps and link icons are hyperlinked in the Interactive Textbook. 

Learning intentions matched to the Study Design at the start of each chapter show students what they need to know and do to meet the syllabus requirements. 

The learning intentions are repeated as an end-of-chapter Success Criteria checklist, linked to questions in the Chapter Review, which can be ticked when questions are answered correctly. 

When review questions are completed in the Interactive Textbook and students answer multiple-choice and short-answer questions correctly, the checklist is ticked automatically to record achievement.

Student Success