Access to student Workspaces

Student workspace entries: review responses and red flags raised by students who are having difficulty. You can choose to give students access to suggested responses for self-assessment.

Sample assessments

Sample assessment tasks and tests: save time preparing materials for the SAC requirement of the Study Design.

  • Chapter tests (two per chapter)
  • Practicals and activities 
  • Curriculum grids 
  • Teaching programs 
  • Checklists linking all questions to the Success Criteria
  • Curated weblinks to internet resources
  • Chapter summaries 
  • Practice exams 
  • Solutions for all tests and worksheets
  • PowerPoint files for the animated diagrams. Over 60 per book.

Downloadable  and editable resources

Test Generator

Test generator: quickly create customised tests from a bank of multiple-choice questions. Tests are auto-marked in the Interactive Textbook or can be printed and used for homework or assessment practice. 


Task Manager: direct students on a custom activity sequence based on their scores in measurable activities.

Task Manager


Reporting tools: monitor student and class results on auto-marked questions, self-assessment scores and completion of tasks.

Exam Generator

Exam Generator: create custom trial exams using questions from past VCE Biology. Tests can be downloaded and used in class or for revision. VCAA marking allocation for each question is also provided. Multiple-choice questions will be auto-marked if completed online. 


Teacher note icons

Teacher note icons: access further support including details on a topic, links to websites or ideas for further activities.

The Online Teaching Suite

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