For the Units 1&2 resource, prior knowledge quizzes and access to Year 9 & 10 content from Cambridge Science for the Victorian Curriculum helps students revise previous content. Access to Unit 1&2 material is also included in the Unit 3&4 Interactive Textbook.
90 videos per book, created for this series, introduce and illustrate concepts, demonstrate skills, provide worked examples, or enhance and clarify student knowledge and are indicated by an icon in the Print Textbook.
Interactive concept maps show how chapters are constructed and hyperlinks provide an alternative means of navigation through the content.
Interactive animations of diagrams and tables allow students to learn concepts, processes and complex structures at their own pace. They may also be used by teachers as presentations in class and are indicated by an icon in the Print Textbook.
Success criteria checklist at the end of each chapter links questions to completion of checklist items – answer correctly to tick off criteria.
Chapter review questions are linked to the Success Criteria checklist.
Workspaces allow students to enter their own working (including scientific notation) directly into the Interactive Textbook for all short-answer questions. Answers can be typed, drawn or uploaded on a computer or tablet device.
Self-assessment tools allow students to check their answers (where teachers have enabled access to the suggested responses), self-assess their working using a four-point scale and use a red flag to alert their teacher if they had trouble with a question. These tools also link short-answer questions to the chapter checklists.
Downloadable worksheets (40 per book) for all chapters can be used for homework or in class. Answers are provided in the Online Teaching Suite.
In addition to the Chapter review questions, the end of each unit includes a set of auto-marked multiple choice questions and short-answer questions that can be completed online or downloaded for use offline.
Roll-over glossary definitions immediately define key terms.
Link icons navigate to related content elsewhere in the Interactive Textbook.
Access to the Offline Textbook, a downloadable version of the student text with note-taking and bookmarking enabled.