Our experienced author team of practising teachers have comprehensively reviewed the new Study Design to ensure Cambridge Senior Science Biology VCE reflects changes such as:
The formative check-in questions and summative review questions for each section can be answered in the Interactive Textbook and teachers can choose to give students access to the suggested responses to self-assess. Teachers can view student responses and provide direct feedback in the Interactive Textbook.
The Task Manager in the Online Teaching Suite also helps teachers to allocate work geared to a student’s progress and ability.
Teachers know what their students really need to master in order to achieve VCE success and this series has been written from the ground up to support teachers to deliver just that – exactly the skills and the knowledge required without the inessential content that can distract and overwhelm students.
The Units 1&2 and Units 3&4 books each include a scientific investigations chapter to help you guide students through the skills they require to conduct an investigation, analyse scientific evidence and communicate results. A chapter on research task strategies in Units 1&2 provides guidance for planning an investigation and advice on the ethical, social, legal and economic considerations involved.
The Online Teaching Suite provides downloadable practicals and modifiable documents for experiments, open-ended investigations or ideas for activities that meet the requirements of the science investigation skills component of the Study Design. These practicals can be used by teachers as part of the school assessed course (SAC) work.
Create custom trial exams using questions from past VCE Biology exams to target topics that your students are having difficulty with. Tests can be downloaded and used in class or for revision. VCAA marking allocation for each question is also provided. (For new areas of the Study Design, questions will be designated as VCAA style). Multiple-choice questions will be auto-marked if completed online.