Access to student Workspaces

Student workspace entries: review responses and red flags raised by students who are having difficulty. You can choose to give students access to suggested responses for self-assessment.

  • Chapter tests (two per chapter)
  • Practicals and activities 
  • Curriculum grids 
  • Teaching programs 
  • Success Criteria Checklists  
  • STEM teacher notes
  • Chapter summaries 
  • Widget questions
  • Graded worksheets 
  • Skills worksheets

Downloadable  and editable resources

Test Generator

Test generator: quickly create customised tests from a bank of multiple-choice questions. Tests are auto-marked in the Interactive Textbook or can be printed and used for homework or assessment practice. 


Task Manager: direct students on a custom activity sequence based on their scores in measurable activities.

Task Manager


Reporting tools: monitor student and class results on auto-marked questions, self-assessment scores and completion of tasks.

Diagnostic tool

Diagnostic tool: easy-to-assign, ready-made tests with adaptive functionality and auto-marking, followed up by intuitive reporting that displays evidence about student achievement at different periods in time and attainment in relation to syllabus outcomes


Teacher note icons

Teacher note icons: access further support including details on a topic, links to websites or ideas for further activities.

The Online Teaching Suite

Powered by Cambridge Edjin
