An exciting new diagnostic testing tool to help teachers identify individual student needs 

Developed for the Cambridge Edjin platform, the diagnostics tool provides easy-to-assign, ready-made tests with adaptive functionality and auto-marking, followed up by intuitive reporting that displays evidence about student achievement at different periods in time and attainment in relation to syllabus outcomes.

How will the diagnostic tool provide a better learning experience for your students?

  • Your diagnostic test bank includes a ready-made pre-test and post-test for each chapter in Cambridge Science for the NSW Syllabus Stages 4&5. 

  • Each test is made up of a set of 27 multiple-choice questions – 9 at Level 1 (knowing), 9 at Level 2 (applying), and 9 at Level 3 (reasoning).

  • Choose to assign the tests to your whole cohort or choose a selection of individual students. 

  • Students start with a medium question. If they answer correctly, they move to the hard question. If they answer incorrectly, they move to the easy question. 

  • All students then go back to a medium question and the pattern continues until they have answered 18 questions. 

  • This adaptive functionality means that higher ability students will be challenged and prevents demotivation of lower ability students. 

  • Results are presented to the teacher in a way that allows you to customise your teaching to bring all students up to the achievement standards. 

  • Post-tests demonstrate growth over time and student attainment in relation to syllabus content.

Teachers have access to 3 types of reports using the data gathered in the diagnostic tests showing: 

  • Correct/incorrect/skipped questions. 
  • How they did on a topic on average. 
  • Comparison between an individual’s pre-test and post-test.  
  • Comparison of performance between students.

How will the diagnostic tool help you to identify student needs?

  • Your students will complete a seamless sequence of 18 multiple-choice questions, unaware that the questions are adapting specifically to meet their needs. 

  • As a result, your students won’t be demotivated by difficult questions as part of the diagnostic process. 

  • The post-test give students opportunities to apply the skills they have learnt and to see the progress they have made over the course of a topic. 

How to assign a diagnostic pre- or post-test

What will the reporting show?


How to run a diagnostic report

Instructions and how-to videos

Diagnostic Tool


Term 3 2022

Downloadable pracs

Teacher demonstrations

Data questions

Section questions

Graded worksheets

Authentic STEM activities

Over 50 hands-on activities per book

Additional resources for teachers

Two levels of quizzes